From the
beginning our farm has been such a blessing from God, and He
gave it to us those six years ago knowing full well how
undeserving we were and still are. It has a view of the lake
and a spring-fed creek not far from the humble but cozy
house we live in, and there are currently eighteen or so
horses spread across the fifty-three acres of total land--horses
that are so beautiful and majestic that it gives me a great
sense of honor to scoop their poop.
My husband is a talented equine veterinarian who taught
himself the art of timber-frame carpentry, and he tells me
my cooking is wonderful every night. Our nineteen-year-old
child, for some bizarre lack of reason, plays the concertina
and calls himself an 'Equine Biowaste Relocation Engineer,'
and as a result he has no girlfriend.
So, feel free to come and visit ....give us a call in
advance and welcome!